A co-designed opportunity
Tupoki Takarangi Trust were seeking land use advice to review what they were currently doing, look for areas that could be strengthened, and look for new opportunities to maximise the value of the whenua whilst safeguarding their asset as taonga for future generations.
Where it started
The Trust started its journey by undertaking a land use and capability assessment – capability assessment to better understand how the whenua was being used and how this benchmarked both locally and nationally. Factors such as the physical characteristics of the whenua, the climate conditions, and current infrastructure were investigated as were the neighbouring activities and local industry strengths.
We learnt the Trust was doing an excellent job with their property in Taranaki, and that an aspiration to purchase the neighbour's property to create a farming unit would have a very long payback period with a low return on investment. The best opportunity was to explore tourism as a potential land use for their whenua on the outskirts of Wellington.
At an all owner hui, the Trust agreed to explore what a tourism venture could look like on the whenua. A Poutama journey was crafted where Te Hono would work closely with the Trustees to guide research and provide feedback on findings and ideas generated during the process. As a group we would report back to the Owners on learnings and check that the project was on track and they are happy with how things are shaping up. This Poutama was a yearlong journey that ended in unanimous support from owners.
Challenges / opportunities we navigated:
The site is remote, rugged and exposed with challenging access.
The Trust doesn’t have any tourism experience.
It’s a special place so it’s important that visitors and what they do there is respectful.
Navigation of various planning rules and regulations
Access to capital - how can the trust fund, or attract funding to make it happen?
A building design
that is respectful of, and fits into, the natural environment that can be enjoyed year-round
A business model
that is largely hands-off and embraces the challenging access and natural environment
start small and grow. This meant a smaller investment was required and the Trust can grow into the role
A skilled network
of people and organisations to feed into the next stage, with a pathway for implementation
100% owner support
with ongoing assistance from other key stakeholders. Everyone involved was passionate and supportive.
A strong business case
to support funding applications.
A clear pathway
on how to get it off the ground and how to make it happen.
A wider outlook
The Trust has mobilised various stakeholders to support a kaitiaki role in the area.